The public may never know how Casey Anthony is paying for her defense team.
Sarah Lundy and Amy L. Edwards
Sentinel Staff Writers
March 25, 2009
The public may never know how Casey Anthony is paying for her defense team. During a 40-minute hearing this morning, Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland found there was no conflict of interest involving Anthony's lead defense attorney, Jose Baez.
Prosecutor Jeff Ashton argued that Strickland should look into how Anthony, who is awaiting trial on charges that she killed her 2-year-old daughter Caylee Marie Anthony, is paying for her defense...
"We are concerned with this case. The objection doesn't state any legal basis," Ashton said. "The way to diffuse this issue right now is . . . to make sure that the record is clear of exactly what the situation is, exactly what the financial arrangements are."
Ashton said he was concerned that if Casey Anthony is convicted, she could bring up a conflict -- a dispute between her and her attorney -- that could lead to the case being retried.
Anthony attended the hearing on the 23rd floor of the courthouse, as did her parents, George and Cindy Anthony.
Before her arrest in the fall, Anthony had no assets. So prosecutors want to know how she is paying for her defense. Prosecutors assume Baez and other attorney are not working for free.
Although Baez's fee structure with Anthony is not public record, Strickland questioned him about his arrangement with his client to make sure there was not a conflict of interest. Among the topics: possible rights for future book and movie deals about Casey Anthony's story.
Baez told the judge he has no literary agreement with Casey Anthony. Prosecutor Jeff Ashton wanted Baez to define "story," but Baez objected.
Strickland briefly questioned Anthony about the affidavit she signed, which was recently submitted to the court. He confirmed with her that she signed a retainer agreement with Baez and it doesn't entitle him to any rights to her story.
Strickland then recessed the hearing to discuss possible conflicts behind closed doors. When the hearing resumed, Strickland said he was "convinced" no conflict exists.
Baez then asked Strickland to remind the court that what lawyers and the judge discussed behind closed doors, in front of a court reporter, this morning was private information and needed to stay that way.
Prosecutor Jeff Ashton was offended by Baez's comments and said he didn't need to be reminded, but he agreed.Strickland responded by telling the bickering lawyers, "This is getting old."
After Strickland's ruling, Baez left the courtroom and spoke with reporters."We are glad this is behind us," Baez said. "I have told everyone all along that defense has not done anything unethical in any way, shape or form. These accusations are just that."
George and Cindy Anthony left the courtroom without talking to reporters.
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