Huizenga Says Casey Was Partying, Carefree When Caylee Was Missing
March 26, 2009
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Fresh from his court victory Wednesday, Jose Baez, Casey Anthony's attorney, told WESH 2 Thursday that he's planning to take a number of key depositions next week. At the top of that list is Casey Anthony's friend, Amy Huizenga...
Huizenga has provided details about Casey Anthony's attempts to explain that smell in her car, and Anthony's apparently carefree, party lifestyle at the same time she told investigators she was out looking for Caylee on her own.
During the weeks after Caylee Anthony was last seen and before she was reported missing to police, Anthony often confided in Huizenga.
In an audio taped interview, Huizenga gave details of what investigators believe was Anthony's cover story to explain that terrible smell in her car.
On June 27, around the time investigators believe Anthony dumped Caylee's body, she sent a text message to Huizenga saying what the smell was a dead animal.
The first week of July, Anthony stayed with Huizenga, getting a tattoo, always having an explanation for why Caylee wasn't there and going out partying. Only one family issue made her visibly upset. "She got upset, saying her brother was coming to look for her and they had to leave," Huizenga said.
Huizenga said Cindy Anthony confronted her daughter about her partying -- a feud that prosecutors believe was Casey Anthony's motive for murder. "She thought Casey was an unfit mother and she would sue for custody of Caylee if it got to that," Huizenga said.
Baez said he also plans to finish deposing Richard Cane. He's the Orange County deputy who may have missed a chance to discover Caylee's remains in August.
Meanwhile, a private investigator who at one time did volunteer security work for the Anthony family said ABC News paid $225,000 to Anthony's defense fund in exchange for pictures and video of Caylee.
That revelation came Wednesday during an interview with James Hoover, a private investigator who did security work at the Anthony home. Hoover gave a sworn deposition in the Zenaida Gonzalez civil suit. Attorney John Morgan asked the questions.
Gonzalez is suing Anthony for defamation. She said her good name was ruined when Anthony named her as the nanny who kidnapped Caylee.
Feuds Between Casey, Cindy May Become Key For Prosecution
This week, Cindy and George Anthony, grandparents of slain toddler Caylee Anthony, have been back in the public eye supporting their daughter in court and talking about their new foundation. But unlike the Cindy Anthony we came to know last year during Caylee's disappearance, she's chosen to stay silent and in the background.
Gone are the days of Cindy Anthony's shouting matches with protesters outside their East Orange County home. Now her feuds with her daughter, who is in the Orange County jail charged with murder in Caylee's death, are taking on far greater importance.
George and Cindy Anthony this week unveiled a new search boat, the Caylee Marie. The boat is just one resource to be offered by their new foundation that George Anthony told the media about.
'"When you lose a child, you need all the resources you can get. If it takes me to bring awareness I'm going to do that," he said. Off camera, Cindy Anthony said she'd be doing the administrative duties. I'll bet that's right. She'll take care of the money.
The couple's lawyer, Brad Conway, talked about how difficult it was for Cindy Anthony to hear her own mother's words to law enforcement revealed just last week. Shirley Plesea speculated that Casey Anthony may have hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee.
"This is all personal life. Many families go through these things, having their personal life exposed to the world is difficult," Cindy Anthony said.
From the new evidence, criminal defense lawyer Richard Hornsby said the state will use Cindy Anthony's battles with Casey Anthony over how to raise Caylee as the motive for her murder.
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