Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Casey Anthony Documents: Duct Tape Matches Duct Tape Found On Gas Cans In Anthony Home

The State Attorney's Office released about 500 pages and photographs of legal and investigative documents in the case against Casey Anthony Wednesday morning.

The big news: investigators say the duct tape discovered on Caylee Anthony's skull at the crime scene matches duct tape stuck on a gas can at the Anthony’s' house.

Photos released show strips of silver-colored duct tape and several plastic bags scattered at the site where Caylee's remains were found. Right now reporters are digging through the information. In the hundreds of pages of discovery, photographs of the crime scene and more interviews. At least one interview with Casey Anthony's friends say she had an emotional breakdown and "wanted to be committed"

Orange County detectives reports says that the small skull was near a black plastic bag, the skull didn't have any flesh left on it, but "quite a bit of hair" was still present.

Detective Yuri Melich says "I immediately noticed that there appeared to be a piece of silver duct tape across the mouth area of the skull, then goes on to say, "The tape appeared to have been purposely placed there."

The duct tape found on the gas can was reported here on this blog.

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