Annie Downing
From the Casey Anthony Document Release 2.18.09: Annie Downing Statements
10:05am- excerpt from Annie Downing statement:
During Caylee’s 2nd birthday, Casey Anthony told Downing “Oh my God, this is supposed to be Caylee’s Day. I’m her mom. She’s not her mom,” in reference to Cindy Anthony helping Caylee open presents.
Downing also told investigators that she received a phone call from Lee Anthony in October after information had been made public about Casey telling another friend she could get some Xanax from her friend named Annie.
10:40am- Excerpt from Annie Downing statement After Casey Anthony was released from jail once last year, Annie Downing visited Anthony several times at her home and spent the night once. Anthony told Downing, “when this is all said and done, I have so much to tell you,” Downing told investigators.
While Downing was visiting the Anthony home, Casey Anthony found Cindy Anthony on the computer using Casey’s email address and signing emails with Casey’s name. They argued about it, but Cindy Anthony told her daughter that “if this can find us Caylee, then you know I’m going to do whatever I can.” Anthony also eluded to the fact that her ex-fiancee Jesse Grund had a key to her car and “may have done something to it after it was abandoned,” the report said.
The two stopped being close friends around August 2007 because Downing found out that Anthony was a liar, the report said
During Caylee’s 2nd birthday, Casey Anthony told Downing “Oh my God, this is supposed to be Caylee’s Day. I’m her mom. She’s not her mom,” in reference to Cindy Anthony helping Caylee open presents.
Michelle Murphy, former roommate of Lee Anthony interview excerpt- In February 2007, Casey Anthony allegedly had a miscarriage from a man named Brandon Snow. None of her friends, including Annie Downing or Murphy, believed this was true.
On two different occasions, Lee and George Anthony told Murphy that Cindy and George Anthony were considering getting custody of Caylee, the report said.
In March 2007, shortly after the alleged miscarriage, Anthony called Murphy and told her she was feeling “crazy” and was considering getting “herself committed,” the report said. Anthony had “imagined this life with Brandon [Snow] and that she was supposed to have this baby in October,” according to the report. In both Michelle Murphy and Annie Downing interviews, they mentioned they did not believe Casey had a miscarriage.
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