February 22, 2009
Right: my favorite photo: Casey in chains.Although reports indicate that Casey Anthony had a dramatic reaction when she learned a small child’s remains had been found in the wooded area near her parent’s home, a former inmate has a different perception of Anthony’s behavior.
The National Enquirer is reporting that Anthony demonstrated almost no reaction when told about the discovery.
Michelle Salamone, a former jail inmate told the Enquirer, “Her body-language reaction wasn’t grief, but more like, ‘Oh shoot, I’m screwed.” Salamone continued, “The prison officer who witnessed it told me, ‘It was as far as you can imagine from the reaction of a mother who’s just learned her child is dead.’”
“…when I saw her the next morning, she greeted me with her usual cheerful smile, and proceeded to eat a hearty breakfast. There wasn’t a sign that she’d been grieving,” said Salamone.
Despite Anthony’s reaction, Salamone says there was a near riot among the female inmates within the Orange County Jail when Caylee’s remains were found. “They’d have torn Casey apart if they’d been able to get near her. A lot of women there would love to hurt her if they got a chance,” said Salamone.
Anthony, 22, is charged with the first-degree murder of her daughter Caylee Anthony, 2. Anthony is expected to stand trial in the fall of 2009 for the crime.
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