February 16, 2009
Orlando Sentinel
Right: Casey Anthony, all dressed up and no where to go...
Evidence Includes Results Of Duct Tape Tests
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Attorney Brad Conway said Tuesday he will try to prepare the Anthony family for whatever news comes out of 1,100 pages of evidence released this week.
Conway said he will review the documents, which are now in the hands of Casey Anthony’s attorneys. "We need to see what the results say,” said Conway, who represents Casey Anthony’s parents, Cindy and George Anthony.
According to a source close to the investigation, test results from the FBI crime lab on the duct tape found on slain toddler Caylee Anthony's skull are in that new batch of evidence.
When asked by WESH 2's Bob Kealing if Casey Anthony’s fingerprints were on the duct tape, a source with direct knowledge of the investigation said, "This is not going to be good news for the defense."
Casey Anthony, 22, is charged with the murder of her daughter, Caylee Anthony. She is being held at the Orange County Jail.
A spokeswoman with the state attorney's office told WESH 2 she does not plan to release this new evidence released to the public until at least midweek.
Orlando defense attorney Richard Hornsby said the duct tape evidence brings the possibility of the death penalty back in to play. Hornsby said it may force Anthony’s defense attorney, Jose Baez, to "put Casey on the stand" or "consider a plea bargain."
Caylee was 2 when she was reported missing in July. Her remains were found in December.
Casey Anthony, Caylee’s mother, is charged with her daughter’s murder. She is being held at the Orange County jail.
Anthony’s trial is scheduled to begin in March.
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