Bianca Prieto
Sentinel Staff Writer
February 20, 2009
February 20, 2009
The morning that an Orange County meter reader discovered the skeletal remains of Caylee Marie Anthony, corrections officers had her mother's reaction to the news recorded.
Sources told the Orlando Sentinel that deputies asked that Orange County Jail corrections officers tell Casey Anthony that the remains of a small child were found near her home and that her reaction closely observed and caught on videotape.
The 22-year-old murder suspect doubled over a few times, began hyperventilating and asked for medication after the news was delivered that a child's remains had been found just blocks from her family's home. At that time no one knew whose bones were in the woods at the end of Suburban Drive. Anthony began rocking back and forth and was visibly upset, according to the source.
This afternoon, Marti Mackenzie, spokeswoman for Anthony's attorney Jose Baez, released a statement via email. "It is outrageous and cruel that they were standing by to record her emotions," Mackenzie said. "Let's call this the latest in a 'tape and release' strategy that the Sheriff's Office seems to have used since Casey was first arrested. Even if its not their primary motive, the release of this kind of information has to have an influence on viewers and readers.
Just look at the blogs. "The video of her reaction was later reviewed. Statements were taken from the Orange County Jail corrections officers who told Anthony of the discovery, according to documents released earlier this week. The video has not been turned over to the State Attorney's Office and is not part of public record, according to sheriff's spokesman Carlos Padilla.
The sheriff's office is not releasing the video because it is part of the on-going investigation. Orange County Jail spokesman Allen Moore issued a statement regarding the videotape late Thursday. He would not confirm the existence of the recording.
"As we have consistently stated, we do not report reaction or demeanor of any inmate in our custody," Allen said in an e-mailed statement. "Further, Orange County Corrections will not reveal any information about law enforcement investigations or requests."
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