Nadya Suleman opened up to Dr. Phil and said that implanting more embryos was a "mistake." At last!
On the Dr. Phil show, octomom Nadya Suleman finally admitted that having eight more children when she could barely take care of the six she already had may not have been the best idea. "In hindsight, I don't know what I was thinking," she says.
But Nadya tried to convince Dr. Phil and America that she has a plan for her babies once they come home. "The plan is definitely underway," she says, adding that she intends to live on her student loans. "I'm just not there yet."
She also says she will rely on volunteers to help her take care of the babies. Right...see below.
Octomom: I Don't Need Your Stinkin' Help!!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Octomom Nadya Suleman has said no thanks to attorney Gloria Allred's offer to help her take care of all 14 of her children.
Allred and the charity Angels in Waiting announced last week they wanted to provide 24/7 medical care, physical therapy, occupational therapy and a home for the octomom and her brood of 14.
Allred said volunteers and medical personnel would care for the babies morning, noon and night in eight-hour shifts ... but gave Suleman a deadline of midnight yesterday to accept the deal. Obviously -- she has not.

Allred and Linda Conforti, the nurse who the founded Angels in Waiting, had several a long conversations with Nadya on the phone and arranged a meeting to discuss the offer -- and Nadya never showed.
They say Nadya was more interested in "capitalizing on her family" and getting a reality show than she was with getting care for the newborns and her other children. When Allred and Angels in Waiting refused to help get her a TV deal, they say Suleman stopped communicating with them.
Allred says she's already filed a complaint with the Department of Child and Family Services and she plans on following up. Wow--I guess you don't tell Gloria no!
The Fascination with Moms Gone Haywire
Friday, February 27, 2009

Casey Anthony, charged with the first degree murder of her toddler, and Nadya Suleman, mother of octuplets plus six, share a few key similarities.
On the face of it, Casey Anthony, charged with first degree murder, and Nadya Suleman, mother of octuplets plus six, don't seem to have much in common.
One had trouble parenting one child and the other has an almost obsessive desire to have multiple children -- despite having no means to support them.
They are both, in their own ways, examples of motherhood gone haywire, and people...can't seem to get enough of their bizarre stories.
"The public's fascination with aberrant behavior," says public relations expert Michael Levin, "makes us feel better about ourselves." Does it take the worst possible examples of motherhood to give us confidence in our own parenting capabilities?
A rep from the National Organization for Women says the enormous pressures of motherhood could be a factor in our interest: "Society and the media put the burden of parenting on the mother, whether you're talking about crime stories or who's getting marketed to in commercials. .
"Whatever the reason, following the plight of women in peril makes for a strange guilty pleasure. Could it be their common denominators that make Nadya and Casey's stories so compelling?
Irregular views of motherhood
Casey, it seems, never wanted to be a mother. Her mother Cindy reportedly wouldn't let Casey have an abortion or even put Caylee up for adoption. The result was tragic. Nadya Suleman says her desire to have many children stemmed from her being a lonely only child.
Dysfunctional relationships with their mothers
Nadya's mother has repeatedly voiced her dismay over the fact that her daughter insisted on having the octupets via IVF treatments when she already had six children at home. They've even been filmed arguing about Nadya's refusal to implement "selective reduction" of her implanted embryos.
Cindy Anthony, Casey's mom, has been accused of treating Caylee as if she were her own daughter. Rumor has it the rift between Casey and Cindy began when Cindy was the first to hold her new granddaughter in the delivery room, not Casey.
Going it alone
With the extraordinary challenge single mothers face, Nadya Suleman has upped the ante to ridiculous proportions. With no man in her life, the "father" of her children is a sperm donor / former boyfriend. Casey also raised Caylee alone -- albeit with much family support. No one knows for sure who Caylee's father was -- the family has always maintained he was killed in a car accident.
Freeloading and lying
One sponges off her family and one off of the government. And both lie about how they supported themselves. Casey claimed to be employed at Universal Studios as an event coordinator -- to explain away her late nights out partying. Nadya told Ann Curry on "Today" that she is "not on welfare," although it was later revealed she receives both food stamps and state disability payments.
Obsessed with their looks
Nadya Suleman, even before giving birth to octopulets, had six mouths to feed. But somehow she still managed to spend money on what appears to be plastic surgery. Casey, when she was supposed to be searching for her missing daughter, entered herself in a "Hot Body Contest" at a local bar.
I have to wonder where is Angelina Jolie in all this mess? Nadya is known to have written letters to the star who is obsessed with the baby business as well. Nadya's alledged plastic surgery appears to have been an attempt to look like her. Angie wants racially diverse children, one Cambodian, one Vietnamese, one African, one single bio and then bio twins.
Angie could adopt four of these, who are half Iraqi (from Nadya's heritage) and half Isreali (from the babies-daddy Denis Beaudoin). Not only would that be a interesting combination in the current state of the world, but that would add four latitude/longitude tattoo's of the same numbers on her left arm. No need to ask Brad--he doesn't have the nads to get a vote.
But she is equally disfunctional. She went from Goth, sex addict/bisexual who publicly announced she was in love with her brother, to baby collector, so the kids might adjust well.
At least she has the money to hire others to raise them.
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