SATSUMA, FL -- Newly released radio transmissions shed more light on the night Haleigh Cummings vanished from her bedroom.
A 'signal 8,' which is police chatter for a missing person, alerted deputies to 202 Green Lane, Haleigh's home.
"I got the age on this kid," said one deputy. "Is it a boy or a girl?"
"Whiskey Foxtrot," said dispatch. It's code for white female. "Last seen wearing her PJs."
Deputies swarm her neighborhood and take note of the railroad tracks. Dispatch informs them a train just passed through.
More deputies respond, some need directions from dispatchers. And the sheriff's office works to get dogs and helicopters to the scene.
"Stay at the residence," said one deputy to a colleague. "Maintain that point of access in reference to the canine and do another thorough search from inside the house."

Click on photo to enlarge. Path as reported on initial police report.
From the Official Police Report the track of the canines Feb 10.
Track beginning at the back/side door of the residence.
The track led directly out the backdoor, and down a wooded path, as we travelled down the wooded path, we located what appeared to be a small child’s foot print in the dirt. It should be noted that Ronald said Haleigh’s shoes were inside of the residence.
The track led to a pond and then back to Green Drive.
At the last residence on the right side of Green Drive was a small building with a door which had been left open. I entered the building and verified that no one was inside.
The track then continued north past the residence, where we made a left turn on Monroe Avenue.
We made another left onto Buchan Circle, which we followed in a loop back to Monroe Avenue.
Next sentence blacked out, but I think it read that they then turned left and followed Tyler Rd (passed by 116, the house of Lindsy Croslin and Guy Sapp) to Buffalo Bluff Road.
We then made a right turn on Buffalo Bluff Road, to the railroad crossing, where we were forced to stop the track, because the canine was unable to follow it any further.
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