work in progress... updated as events unfold.
Timeline of events from June 9, 2008 until December 29, 2008
I am the author, please see statement at bottom.
Please Enjoy....
(editor's note: I will leave this original post up for the remainder of tonight and tomorrow then I will post a link on the side bar for it. Due to lengthy content, it is taking up too much posting room)Timeline of events from June 9, 2008 until December 29, 2008
I am the author, please see statement at bottom.
Please Enjoy....
original posting date 12/31/08 @ 12:32pm; edit 12/31/08 8:00pm
Dec 31: George and Cindy Anthony speak with their attorney, Brad Conway. Reports state that they will fully cooperate with State's Attorney, even in the event of convicting their daughter, Casey. In exchange, the Anthony's are asking for full immunity in the case.
Dec 29: Jose Baez files a motion for a "special master" to oversee any further interviews and questioning of Dominic Casey by LE. Dominic Casey is an ex-employee of Baez and Company and is now the Anthony's private investigator. In mid-November, Jim Hoover video taped the exact area where Caylee's remains were found and it is reported there is no sign of the remains on the video tape. He has then conversed with Dominic Casey and the Anthony's regarding the video tape. Baez filed this motion based on concerns of attorney-client privilege between the law firm and Casey Anthony while Dominic Casey was an employee of Baez and Company.
Dec 28: Caylee's name to be added to "Waterfall of Tears" memorial for abused and murdered children. Roy Kronk may receive reward of $5,000 from former Anthony attorney, Mark NeJame. NeJame resigned as the Anthony's attorney in early December due to conflict between he and Cindy Anthony. Brad Conway replaced NeJame as attorney for the Anthony's. NeJame's resignation followed Larry Garrison's termination as spokesperson, due to "profiting off Caylee", where he billed NBC for photos used during an interview and did not advise the Anthony's of the invoice. NBC paid and Garrison kept the money. Garrison was then replaced by Michelle Bart, former KidFinder's spokesperson. Bart stepped down from her role with KidFinder's after founder, Dennis Milstead, was reported to be involved in and charged with felonious economic crimes.
Dec 26c: Roy Kronk, meter reader who found Caylee's remains, is "shopping" around for interviews. It appears Kronk plans on telling his story to the highest bidder.
Dec 26b: Investigators and detectives working on the Casey Anthony case are once again interested in Google searches from her computer. A release of the searches show someone was 'googling' the TV show, "One Tree Hill" in March '08. The specific episode that was being searched involved a kidnapping where the boy's mother told authorities "The Nanny took him". This appears to be a link to the case that could lead to premeditation.
Dec 26: Reports are that Lee Anthony has obtained attorney, Thomas Luka. It appears Lee is being investigated on a plethora of charges, which include aiding and abetting, obstruction, and misappropriation of funds, to name a few. Luka speaking, as Lee's "advisor", events are pointing to charges being filed against Lee Anthony. Luka stated that Lee volunteered his DNA and fingerprints, during the investigation, but it is widely known and documented that Lee offered them up only after being subpoenaed.
Dec 25: Cindy and George Anthony spend their first Christmas without Caylee. Casey spends her first, of what many hope many, Christmases behind bars. Casey dined on an .82 cent meal of Roast beef, potatoes, and bread. She received gifts of socks and a pocket calendar, courtesy of the jail chaplain.
Dec. 23: Jose Baez files a motion requesting pictures, X-rays and other documentation of the remains of Caylee Anthony when they were originally found and during the autopsy. Judge Stan Strickland rules the documents must be turned over within two weeks. The Caylee Anthony TipLine has now become the Casey Anthony TipLine, asking callers to verify sightings of Casey Anthony between 6/15/08 and 7/15/08.
Dec. 22: George and Cindy Anthony state that there will not be a funeral or memorial until after a second autopsy of the remains by the defense team. Although Casey could have petitioned the court to attend the funeral, she has not done so. Casey's commissary purchases show items of chocolate, playing cards, and body lotion. Brad Conway states that rumors of the Anthony's soliciting of funds to aid with funeral expenses are false.
Dec. 21b: George and Cindy Anthony donate toys left at memorial site for Caylee to needy children for Christmas. Following an disapproval from the general public, the Anthony's agree to leave any toys with notes attached to Caylee to remain at the site. Mourners were also given notice that if they would like to retrieve their memento's to Caylee instead of them being donated, they may do so. Rumors circulate that George and Cindy are soliciting donations for Caylee's funeral.
Dec. 21: Brad Conway, attorney for the Anthony's releases a statement from the Anthony's saying they are taking this time to grieve their loss. They are thankful for the showing of love by the mementos left at the memorial for Caylee. Also, he states the Anthony's plan to donate the toys to the rescue mission for needy children for Christmas gifts. No plans for funeral or memorial service are known as of this date. However, OCSO states that Casey will not be allowed to attend the funeral due to the degree of her charges and for her own safety.
Dec. 19: The Orange-Osceola County Medical Examiner confirms that the remains found near the Anthony home do belong to Caylee Marie Anthony. A third search warrant is executed on the Anthony home. Upon a jail chaplain notifying Casey, which, according to reports, was fifteen minutes before the media announced the news,Casey requested a sedative. Jose Baez lashed out his disappointment in not being allowed to be the one to inform his client. OCSO said it was standard procedure for the jail chaplain to relate the news to next of kin if they are in custody.
Dec. 18: Sheriff's spokesman Angelo Nieves says that they continue to find more bones in the area where a child's skeletal remains were found and are expanding their search to a larger area. He also said the meter reader who found the remains had called in tips three times before on Aug. 13. Deputies responded to one of those calls.
Dec. 15: Baez petitions the court saying investigators are taking "too long" to clear the crime scene. Baez and his panel of top experts are in wait to have their examination of the crime scene. Judge Strickland rules he will not tell investigators how to do their job, or that they are on a time schedule.
Dec. 14: George and Cindy attend church and return to their home late Sunday afternoon.
Dec. 13: George and Cindy briefly return to their home to retrieve clothing and their 2 dogs. They continue to stay at a hotel.
Dec. 12: Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary says the skeletal remains' measurements and hair color match that of Caylee Anthony. The Kid Finders Network calls off actively searching for Caylee. It is also reported that duct tape is wrapped around the skull, therefore preserving some of the hair that may help in toxicology testing.
Dec 11: George and Cindy Anthony cancel their media tour and return to Orlando after hearing of the findings. They return to their home to find it marked off with yellow crime scene tape and learn that it has been officially named a crime scene. They are not allowed to enter the home and stay the night at a Ritz Carlton Hotel.
Dec. 11: The skeletal remains of what appears to be a small child are found one-quarter mile from the Anthony home. A meter reader called 911 to summons OCSO to the scene. We find out later it is the same meter reader, Roy Kronk, that called three consecutive times in August stating he saw something 'suspicious' and 'possibly related to the Caylee case'. During these calls, as in August, he referred to his route as "the Caylee route".
Dec. 11: Judge Stan Strickland postpones the murder trial of Casey Anthony. A new status hearing is set for Jan. 15.
Dec. 10: George and Cindy Anthony start a major coast to coast media blitz tour beginning with Larry King: Live. While in California, they are to investigate a Caylee sighting in Newport Beach. While on Larry King: Live, Cindy states that she received a tip just before airtime that Caylee was spotted in Tennessee.
Dec. 10: Jose Baez requests Caylee sightings video through subpoena duces tecum. (In certain jurisdictions in the United States which have de-emphasized the use of foreign words and phrases in court terminology, this type of subpoena is also called a "subpoena for production of evidence." The words "subpoena duces tecum" appears to be used exclusively by various jurisdictions within the United States. The terms of use vary between jurisdictions. In some, the words have been replaced with "Motion to Compel".)
Dec. 5: State says it will not seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony.
Dec. 4: Jailhouse visits between Caylee and her family that are video taped by the jail are released.
Nov 28: Someone hacks into Cindy Anthony's email account over Thanksgiving weekend and forwards personal emails between Cindy and Larry Garrison regarding a hairbrush Cindy had given to authorities for DNA. Cindy claims it was not a brush dedicated to Caylee, however just a brush Casey "sometimes used on Caylee". The emails were sent to Orlando local tv station reporter Kathy Belich, who then notified Cindy and turned the emails over to FBI.
Nov. 25: Judge Stan Strickland orders prosecutors to turn over all evidence to the defense. He also ruled that the defense can't test the hair found in Casey Anthony's trunk because there is too little of a sample left.
Nov. 21: Anthony family releases photo to News 13 that they received of a little girl playing at Florida Mall that they think could be Caylee.
Nov. 20: Attorney Mark NeJame resigns as the attorney for George and Cindy Anthony.
Nov. 19: Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla says Tracey, one of his associates who had been inside the Anthony home after he first posted bond for Casey, told him that Casey criticized people looking for her daughter, and sarcastically saying they "hadn't even found the clothes she was wearing". (source: Nancy Grace, Leonard Padilla)
Nov. 14: World famous forensic scientist Henry Lee examines Casey Anthony's car. Police said they found evidence of human decomposition and a hair belonging to Caylee in the trunk. Dr. Henry Lee states on Nancy Grace that very night the car contained a massive amount of "trash, food and garbage". Dr. Lee said the contents were that of "meat, food, and trash. (Source: Nancy Grace )
Through documents released after this interview, we learn that there was no pizza in the box that was found in the trunk of Casey's car. (Source: Evidentiary documents released 11/08.
Nov. 13: Divers search Little Econ River in Blanchard Park for Caylee Anthony. A plastic bag with what appeared to be bones and toys, and that was weighed down with bricks, was recovered. However, authorities said the find was not significant to the investigation.
Nov. 8: Texas EquuSearch leads group of volunteers in a search of a 25-acre area around Orlando International Airport for Caylee. They found nothing.
Nov. 5: Judge agrees to continue Casey's check fraud hearing to Dec. 11.
Oct. 31: Orange County Jail officials warn Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, about hugging his client during jail visits.
Oct. 28: Trial date on first-degree murder charges set for Jan. 5. A pre-trial date was set for Dec. 11.
Oct. 24: Forensic tests on the trunk of Casey Anthony's car are released. The air sample tests show evidence of human decomposition, and that a hair found in the trunk is "microscopically similar" to hair found in Caylee's hair brush. The report also confirmed the presence of chloroform.
Oct. 21: Child neglect charges are dropped against Casey Anthony after she is charged with First degree murder and felony child abuse.
Oct. 22: A tip line established by the Anthony family for leads to help find Caylee alive opened at midnight. The number is (888) 231-5618.
Oct. 15: Casey Anthony has her first appearance before a judge after the new charges and arrest. No bond is allowed because she has been charged with a capital crime-first degree murder.
Oct. 14: A grand jury indicts Casey Anthony on seven counts, including first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter and four counts of providing false information.
Sept. 23: 591 pages of files were released by the Orange County Sheriff's Office, including text messages, interviews with family and friends.
Sept. 16: Casey Anthony was taken before a judge and then released on $1,250 bond. She was, again, fitted with an ankle monitoring device.
Sept. 15: Casey Anthony turns herself in on new economic charges unrelated to Caylee's disappearance. The charges include uttering a forged instrument, petty theft and criminal use of personal information.
Sept. 7: Texas EquuSearch temporarily calls off the search for Caylee Anthony, citing environmental conditions and concerns.
Sept. 6: Orange County deputies retrieve a handgun from the trunk of George Anthony's car. Having a gun on the property is a violation of Casey's bail, but since it seems Casey was unaware of the gun, she is not taken back into custody.
Sept. 5: Casey Anthony is to be released from jail for a second time on bond. She will be required to wear an ankle monitoring device.
Sept. 4: An anonymous person posts the $500,000 bond for Casey Anthony through two Florida bonding companies.
Sept. 2: Casey Anthony refuses an offer of limited immunity in exchange for information leading to Caylee.
Aug. 31: The Orange County Sheriff's Office confirms hair found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car belonged to Caylee.
Aug. 30: Texas EquuSearch, a mounted search and recovery group, arrive in Central Florida to help search for Caylee.
Aug. 30: New bond for Casey Anthony is set for $3,000 for charges not related to Caylee's disappearance. The original posted bond has been revoked, so Casey will remain in jail even if the new bond is posted.
Aug. 29: Casey is rearrested on economic crime charges not related to Caylee's disappearance. The charges include uttering a fraudulent instrument, petty theft, and fraudulent use of personal information. Deputies say they have surveillance video of Casey using forged checks.
Aug. 29: Deputies serve Casey, George, Cindy and Lee Anthony with criminal witness subpoenas to appear in court sometime in November.
Aug. 27: The Orange County Sheriff's Offices fires Recruit Deputy Anthony Rusciano, who may have had ties to Casey Anthony. Deputies say Rusciano provided inaccurate and incomplete responses on an ongoing criminal investigation. It is not confirmed if the investigation is related to the case of Casey Anthony.
Aug. 26: Hundreds of documents are released in the investigation into Caylee's disappearance. The documents reveal Cindy Anthony called her daughter, Casey, a sociopath and a "mooch." The documents also say Casey wanted to give Caylee up for adoption, according to a friend of Casey's, but Cindy would not let her.
Aug. 21: Casey is released from prison at 10:30 a.m. after being fitted with an electronic monitoring device.
Aug. 20: Leonard and Tony Padilla post bond necessary for Casey's release.
Aug. 17: Leonard Padilla arrives in Orlando.
Aug. 16: California bounty hunter Leonard Padilla announces he and his nephew, bail bondsman Tony Padilla, will fly to Orlando and post Casey's $500,000 bond. Padilla says they are doing this to "find the baby."
Aug. 15: Two private investigators meet with Casey. Investigators were identified as Edward Phlegar and Casey Dominic, both investigators for Casey's attorney, Jose Baez.
Aug. 12: George Anthony says that he believes Caylee was kidnapped and that the kidnappers are being watched.
Aug. 10: Casey cancels a scheduled meeting with her parents, the second time in three days she has refused to meet with her family.
Aug. 9: Caylee's third birthday comes and goes with no new leads on the missing girl's whereabouts.
Aug. 8: Casey refuses to see her brother, Lee, for a scheduled meeting. Lee's visit is rescheduled for Tuesday.
Aug. 7: Investigators serve a search warrant at the Anthony home and remove a number of clothing items belonging to Casey, which her mother said had been in Casey's car. Some of them has been washed by Cindy Anthony because they had a foul odor.
Aug. 7: Deputies confirm that the last time Caylee was seen by anybody other than Casey was on June 15. There is video from that day and investigators found pictures from Father's Day on Casey's computer.
Aug. 7: Investigators say a call Casey said she received on July 15 in which Caylee talked to her probably didn't happen. Phone records show there was no call to Casey's cell phone at the time the call was supposed to have taken place.
Aug. 1: The Orange County Sheriff's Office take several bags of evidence from the Anthony home.
July 31: George and Cindy Anthony are interviewed by the FBI.
July 30: The Fifth District Court of Appeals in Daytona Beach deny Baez's appeal of the $500,000 bond, asking that it be reduced to $10,000. That appeal was denied.
July 29: Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, asks a judge to bar the release of jail house recorded conversations, 911 tapes and visitor logs to the media. That request was denied.
July 28: Recordings of jail calls between Casey and her parents, George and Cindy and her brother, Lee are released by OCSO.
July 24: Cindy Anthony's 911 calls are released to the public. A total of 3 were released.
July 22: A bond hearing is held for Casey Anthony. Her mother, father, brother and a detective in the case all testify. The judge sets bail at $500,000. This is the only time the public has seen Casey show any emotion during the case. She sobbed visibly when returned to her cell from the courtroom. Experts say the tears were for herself, not for Caylee.
July 20: First candlelight vigil is held for Caylee.
July 17: Casey Anthony is officially charged with child neglect, lying to investigators and interfering with a criminal investigation. The judge denies bond because she showed a "woeful disregard for the welfare of her child."
July 17: The Sheriff's office starts to search the backyard of the Anthony house.
July 17: The Sheriff's Office takes possession of the car and finds evidence of possible human decomposition. The car is sent to the forensics bank.
July 16 AM-PM: Police take Casey in for questioning. Also, Police talk to Zenaida Gonzalez who says she does not know Casey Anthony. Police also take Casey to Universal Studios where she said she worked. After leading them to a building, she admitted she was no longer employed there. Casey is arrested and booked. Casey is wearing a hoodie purchased at Target with one of Amy's checks, when she is booked and her mugshot taken.
July 15 PM: Upon arriving at the Anthony's home, the Sheriff's Office is notified that Caylee Anthony has been missing since June 9. (date later determined to be June 15)
July 15 PM: Cindy calls Amy Huizenga for help in locating Casey. She tells her Casey could be in serious trouble if she doesn't find her. Amy hesitates then takes Cindy to Casey who is at Tony Lazzaro's apartment. Cindy confronts Casey and tells her she is coming with her. Cindy begs Casey to take her to Caylee. After giving several excuses, Cindy calls 911, the first of a series of three 911 phone calls made that afternoon.
July 15 AM: Casey picks up Amy Huizenga, in Amy's car, at Orlando International Airport. Amy and friends have returned from their vacation to Puerto Rico. There is not enough room in Amy's car for everyone and luggage, so she takes Casey back to Tony Lazzaro's apartment and returns to the airport where she picks up the remainder of her friends and returns to her residence.
July 15 AM: George and Cindy Anthony retrieve the Pontiac Sunfire from Johnson's Wrecking Service. Cindy haggles about the amount of the bill. George and a worker, Simon Birch, from the tow yard, went to the car together. Mr. Birch verified there was a horrific smell from the car and he compared it to the same smell from a car that had been towed a week earlier. The owner of the previous car towed had committed suicide inside the car and the car was not found for several days. Mr. Birch also stated in his interview that Mr. Anthony was concerned about the smell and told him that both his daughter and granddaughter had been missing. Mr. Birch was with George when the trunk was opened and garbage bags were found. Mr. Birch retrieved the garbage bag from the trunk and stated that it contained what appeared to be garbage. (later learned to be an empty pizza box and cans of deodorizer and insect repellent)
July 14: Casey Anthony cashes a $250.00 check at Bank of America on Amy Huzinga's bank account. Captured on video surveillance.
July 11: Cindy Anthony recieves a certified letter from Johnson's Towing informing that they are in possession of a white Pontiac Sunfire registered to Cindy and George Anthony. The car was towed from an Orlando Amscot, on June 30, after being abandoned for 3 days. Cindy states at the bond hearing that July 11 was the date she read the letter, not necessarily the day it was received, because of mail delay over the July 4th holiday.
July 10: Video surveillance shows Casey again using Amy's checks to purchase items at a Winter Park, Fl, Target, and again, at Waterford Lakes Target.
July 8: Casey uses checks on Amy Huizenga's checking account to pay for personal items purchased at a Waterford Lakes Target. Captured on video surveillance.
July 7: Casey drives Amy Huizenga to Orlando International Airport to depart for her vacation with friends to Puerto Rico. Amy leaves Casey her car to drive while Amy is on vacation due to Casey's car "being in the shop". Casey was unable to go on the vacation due to finanacial reasons and some also believe because of Caylee as well.
July 4: 4th of July party at William House's home. Amy helps Casey decorate. Later discovered in a text from Casey to Amy, "You used almost all my duct tape."; "That's why (sic) I get for letting you borrow my duct tape." {links Casey to duct tape}
July 2: Reports show Casey gets a tatoo at Cast Iron Tatoos. The tatoo says Bella Vita or "beautiful life".
June 30: Casey's white Pontiac Sunfire is towed from the Amscot store on Goldenrod Road and Colonial Drive by Johnson's Towing.
June 27: A supervisor at an Orlando Amscot at Goldnerod and Colonial notices a white Sunfire parked beside a dumpster as she enters the store at the beginning of her shift.
June 26: Casey calls Tony Lazzaro and asks if he could pick her up at Amsoct because she has car trouble or is out of gas. She tells Lazzaro two guys helped push her car out of traffic into the parking place at Amscot. Upon arrival, Lazzaro finds Casey standing by the car with bags of food, which he says were not purchased at a store, but brought from the Anthony's home. Lazzaro's approximate time of arrival is 11:00am. Lazzaro offers to help Casey repair her car and she says her father is going to have the car towed and repaired. Casey also texts Amy Huizenga and says "..she got rid of the smell in her car... she scraped the "squirrels" off the frame of her car". In an earlier text to Amy, Casey stated that her father had driven her car and ran over an animal and that is what caused the smell.
June 24 or June 25: Detective Corp. Yuri Melich testified during Casey Anthony's bond hearing that a witness (Jesse Grund) came forward who said he had talked to Casey on the phone on either June 24 or June 25 and that he heard Caylee in the background. The witness said that at one point in the conversation Casey told Caylee to get down from the table.
June 24 or 25: Casey arrives at the Anthony home, unaware that George is home. George is somewhat surprised at Casey's presence as well. While there, he asks for a tire tool that is in Casey's car trunk. Casey will not allow George near the car. She tells George she will get the tool herself. George follows Casey out to the car. (George's story also varies here. In some statements, George says he did not see the trunk, he was at the front of the car. In others, he says he got to the side of the car, but not all the way to the trunk.) At this time, Casey produces the gas cans. She hands them to George saying, "Here's your f'n gas cans." George asks for an explanation and Casey answers she had to use the gas to travel back and forth to Tampa due to Zani being in the hospital. George asks why Casey did not leave Caylee with them when she was in Orlando, to which she did not answer. (see June 9-July 12 entry) Casey then departs the Anthony's home. (some speculate it is at this time that Casey may have dumped Caylee's remains)
June 24: George Anthony files a police report stating that 2 gas cans containing between 10 and 20 gallons of gas have been stolen from his outside shed and the lock had been broken. (George's story varies on the amount of gas.) In media interviews he gives the impression that they were large size gas cans, however, he tells the FBI that the cans missing were two- 2 gallon cans.
June 16: George claims this is the last day he saw Caylee alive. He saw Caylee and Casey around 12:50pm leaving the home. He was watching a show on Food Network, as he always does, but cannot remember the name. My search of Food Network tv schedule for that date and by my own knowledge, there is no "hour long" episode of any show at that time of day on that date.
(If this was a common daily ritual for George, wouldn't he remember the name of the show? He remembered every detail of the clothing worn by both Casey and Caylee, down to the color of pinstripe in Casey's pants)
June 15: Caylee's grandmother, Cindy Anthony, revised her estimate to this date as the last time she saw Caylee in her testimony in Casey's bond hearing in July. Cindy Anthony said video of Caylee reading a book helped her remember that Caylee went with her to visit her father at an assisted living facility on Father's Day.
June 12: George Anthony says Caylee was spotted by friends of the Anthony family in a shopping area near the Orange-Seminole county lines. She was wearing a pink and blue outfit and white-rimmed sunglasses.
June 9: (Original date that Casey said Caylee went missing. Casey Anthony told police that on June 9, she dropped Caylee off at a babysitter who lived at the Sawgrass Apartments. She said the babysitter's name was Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez.
June 9: Casey begins staying with her new "boyfriend" Tony Lazzaro at his apartment.
June 9 - July 14: Casey tells her parents, George and Cindy Anthony during several phone calls that she (Casey) and Caylee are on a mini-vacation. On other occasions, Casey tells, mainly Cindy, that Caylee is with Zani, or the nanny, and is at the beach, Universal, Disney, and other various places. Casey also tells her parents that she is at a work convention in Tampa and she and a co-worker are staying in adjoining rooms and sharing "Zani" to babysit their children while Casey and the co-worker attend the convention. Casey tells Cindy, Universal is paying for the room and for the babysitter for both Casey and the co-worker. When Casey is not back in Orlando when expected, she tells Cindy that Zani had a car accident, was injured and is admitted to Tampa General Hospital with a concussion, and broken bones. The next day, Casey tells Cindy that a nurse "happens to find a laceration to Zani's head behind her ear." Cindy pleads with Casey to bring Caylee back home, but Casey states she can not leave due to the fact that Zani's sister "Stephanie" had to leave Tampa to return to Orlando to look after their sick mother. (See June 24, 2008)
June 9-June 13: Caylee tells her parents she is going to and from work as usual.
June 2: Last date that Tony Lazzaro says he saw Caylee. In his report, Lazzaro states that Caylee and Casey visited him at his apartment and they stayed by the pool at the apartment most of the day.
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