Jose Baez
Jose Baez was back to work on behalf of his client, Casey Anthony, Monday. After a short hiatus from the Christmas holiday, Baez was filing motions Monday afternoon to safeguard privileged attorney client information regarding the case.
Baez is worried detectives are trying to obtain privileged information about the case from a private detective who used to work for his defense team, so he's asking a judge to intervene.
Baez is asking the judge to appoint a "special master" to oversee any questioning of the private investigator by law enforcement.
The private eye is a familiar face to insiders. His name is Dominic Casey, who, early on, worked for Baez. Then in October, George and Cindy Anthony hired him to follow up on "live sightings" of Caylee Anthony.
Also, there is a video tape that has surfaced. A video of the the area in which Caylee's remains were found December 11, 2008. Sources close to the case say that Dominic Casey, an ex-employee of Jose Baez and Company, had Jim Hoover video tape the exact area in mid-November. In October, 2008, Dominic Casey left Baez's firm and was hired by George and Cindy Anthony as thier own private investiagtor.
Baez is asking the judge to appoint a "special master" to oversee any questioning of the private investigator by law enforcement.
The private eye is a familiar face to insiders. His name is Dominic Casey, who, early on, worked for Baez. Then in October, George and Cindy Anthony hired him to follow up on "live sightings" of Caylee Anthony.
Also, there is a video tape that has surfaced. A video of the the area in which Caylee's remains were found December 11, 2008. Sources close to the case say that Dominic Casey, an ex-employee of Jose Baez and Company, had Jim Hoover video tape the exact area in mid-November. In October, 2008, Dominic Casey left Baez's firm and was hired by George and Cindy Anthony as thier own private investiagtor.
Baez said law enforcement is now showing an interest in questioning Dominic Casey and he (Baez) wants to make sure LE does not obtain privileged information Dominic Casey may have learned while working for Baez.
Anthony's Expected To Be Candid With Investigators Regarding Casey
Cindy and George Anthony
The Anthony's face the wrenching task of burying Caylee early in the New Year, but then, sources tell said, George, Cindy and Lee Anthony will be asked to play a pivotal role in holding Casey Anthony accountable or else.
As one investigator put it, "They're going to be asked to help convict her."
If the Anthony's are not candid and truthful, sources said, it may come to obstruction of justice charges against one or more of them.
Medical examiner Jan Garavaglia said it's unlikely they'll ever be able to determine a definitive cause of death, but sources said toxicology tests done on Caylee's hair will "give us clues in that direction." Remnants of certain drugs and toxins can still be present in hair. Also, amount of drug or toxin and the length of time they were present in the body may also be able to be determined by hair.
However morbid, the duct tape helped the case by preserving the hair for toxicology.
The duct tape found on Caylee's skull proves what some sources close to the investigation have suspected about her death all along -- "It wasn't an accident."
Another aspect some insiders find haunting, is how close to the Anthony home Caylee's remains had been dumped.
Sources say the Anthony's simply gave Casey Anthony "far too much credit" that she would have done something more elaborate with her daughter's body.
Meter Reader May Receive Reward For Findings
Meanwhile, a new reward is being offered to meter reader Roy Kronk for finding the bag of skeletal remains that were determined to belong to missing Caylee Anthony.
According to Kronk's lawyer, David Evans, George and Cindy Anthony's one-time representative Mark NeJame has contacted Kronk regarding a $5,000 reward, which represents the amount of money NeJame made while serving as the Anthony family's representative. For now, it's unclear whether Kronk will accept the offer.
Initially, Crimeline said Roy Kronk was not eligible for a cash reward from them because he called 911 the day he found Caylee's remains instead of Crimeline.

Roy Kronk
A source within Crimeline now said things could be different. They're checking to try to confirm that Kronk called them during the same three days in August he called sheriff's headquarters to report something suspicious along Suburban Drive.
More than two weeks after Kronk discovered Caylee's remains along Suburban Drive, a memorial still draws people by the dozens.
Those who have followed the case closely have different opinions on whether Kronk deserves a reward.
"I think he should be rewarded, definitely," Aida Ramos said.
"If they think they found something, they should call it in," Jennifer Tice said. "That's all there is to it." Tice said doing a good deed should not include an expectation of a cash reward.
"I don't think somebody should be rewarded for that," Tice said. "I mean, that's a child who is missing. That's common sense."
In his only statement to reporters, Kronk confirmed that he reported his suspicions four months before discovering the remains.
"I had previously reported to Crimeline and the sheriff's office that I had spotted something suspicious -- a bag in that same area," Kronk said.
Kronk's lawyer, David Evans, states that "..money is not Kronk's main motivation. But if he qualifies, at the very least, Kronk should receive a Crimeline reward."
When asked why Kronk deserved the reward, NeJame said, "I think Kronk is beyond deserving. Without him, who knows when Caylee would have been found."
Sources confirmed they do not suspect Roy Kronk, the meter reader who found the bag of Caylee’s remains, of playing any sort of sinister role in the case.
Note: The original reward posted after Caylee was first reported missing was $250, 000. It was issued in July, 2008 and was to expire after 90 days. (October 2008) The amount was contributed by individuals, both private and public, as well as businesses in the Orlando area. I have yet to hear anyone mention this "expiration date" of the reward. More research to continue...
Note: The original reward posted after Caylee was first reported missing was $250, 000. It was issued in July, 2008 and was to expire after 90 days. (October 2008) The amount was contributed by individuals, both private and public, as well as businesses in the Orlando area. I have yet to hear anyone mention this "expiration date" of the reward. More research to continue...
Also, in one of the jail house video visits between Casey and Cindy and George, Cindy asks Casey if she has heard of the reward for Caylee's return. Casey, trying to not make much of the subject, says "No." When Cindy tells Casey the amount of the reward is $250,000, Casey's only remark is "Whoa, that's half my bond." This was before Casey was bailed out the first time by Leonard Padilla on a $500,000 bond.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I believe further investigating should be conducted regarding Kronk before any reward is paid. I agree that finding "remains" should not require a monetary reward. There is, at the least, something coincidental about the entire Kronk link" to the case. If the remains had been investigated on Kronk's first call, and identified as Caylee at the onset, I may be a little more lenient. However, with the turn of events, the "three consecutive calls", Kronk's adamant need to remain anonymous, and his immediate hiring of an attorney, I have speculations of my own. Until those circumstances have been totally cleared by LE, then, I may entertain the idea that Kronk deserves this reward. Then again, it is not up to me. ...my two cents
some content courtesy WESH/some photos courtesy FOX35
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