Friday, December 19, 2008

Meter Reader Timeline Suspicious or Coincidental

Meter Reader, Roy Kronk Timeline of Tip Calls: Slueth or Suspicious?

A utility worker stumbled upon the remains last week, less than a half-mile from where the girl lived. DNA tests confirm that the remains match Caylee Anthony's genetic profile, said the Orange County Medical Examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia .

8/11: Roy Kronk sees suspicious "gray bag" and calls in tip. Deputy searches and finds nothing Kronk was not there during deputy search.

8/12: Kronk calls in tip to crimeline. Authorities say area was searched by cadaver dog. Nothing reported.

8/13: Kronk calls in tip for 3rd time. Two deputies respond, meet Kronk and find nothing.

4 days later Tropical Storm Faye hits Orlando area, flooding areas with water.

12/11: Kronk calls 911 that he has found skeletal remains (in same area). OCSO arrives on the scene and immediately labels the area, then later the Anthony home, an official crime scene.

As I mentioned in the earlier post, why all the calls? Why did he keep returning to the scene?
Although Kronk is not a suspect, it is very "interesting" at least.

At this time we do not have exact information that Caylee's remains were found in a "gray bag", as Kronk said he saw in August. However, we have heard that the remains were found in a black bag.

Also in his press conference, the meter reader mentioned that "the animals could have moved the bag".

inhale, deep breath, two cents

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