The fact that Casey is charged with a capital felony (murder), it is unlikely that Casey will have privileges to attend even if her defense motions the court for a special request.

AS OF 12/23/08 7PM: Casey has not petitioned the court for special permission to attend the funeral, nor has plans to. In a statement from her defense, Casey will not attend the funeral or memorial, because she does not want to be the "center of attention", or have the service be turned into a media spectacle...
out of respect for Caylee at this time, I will refrain from commenting on this statement.
However, Casey will be having a Christmas dinner of Roast beef, mashed potatoes and bread. She will also receive gifts which include candy canes, socks and a pocket calendar.
candy canes as Christmas gift
See the video: Casey's Christmas in Jail
Caylee Anthony would have been enjoying her 4th Christmas as an energetic 3 year old. The perfect age to begin realizing the meaning of Christmas as Jesus' birthday, waiting for Santa, and all the traditions.
Instead, there will be a funeral held after the second autopsy of her remains. It is alleged Caylee succumbed at the hands of her own mother, Casey, on or around June 15, 2008, a month and a half shy of Caylee's third birthday.As of Tuesday afternoon, Caylee's remains have been moved to a funeral home.

video courtesy WESH
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