A Three Ring Circus With No Dancing Bear
On Saturday, crime scene investigators cleared the scene where Caylee's remains were found.
The police convoys left and officers posted "No Trespassing" signs in the area to keep onlookers out.
Nieves said the scene is no longer an active crime scene, but trespassing will not be allowed.
The scene, which was previously a heavily wooded area, had been completely cleared where the CSI detectives worked for nine straight days.
The OCSO also said the attorneys for the defense had been called to come check out the crime scene at about 11:30 a.m. Saturday, but they declined. The reason for their decline remains unknown.
Investigators also went to the Anthony home to tell the family members that they could take a look at the scene Saturday morning.
A search warrant was executed at the Anthony home at about 3:30 p.m. George and Cindy Anthony remained inside the home at the time of the search. The purpose of the search warrant was not disclosed.
Meanwhile, Casey's attorney is seeking a change of venue, citing that his client will not be able to receive a fair trial in Orlando. He arrived at the home of Casey's parents Friday evening, but the details of his visit were unknown.
Baez also expressed his anger over not being able to be the first person to tell Casey about her daughter's remains.
"It's just not a professional way of doing things, and I'm extremely disappointed in the manner this was carried out," Baez said. "Like I said though, their lack of professionalism has become predictable and we were able to stay one step ahead of them and have someone here who knows Casey and could be the there to console her in a situation."
A jail representative fired back Friday night, saying Baez knew the chaplain would be the one to give Casey the news.
"We've given her no special treatment beyond what is required from the security and treatment standpoint," said jail representative Allen Moore. "
"And for Mr. Baez to say we are unprofessional, I find very offensive."
According to Orange County Jail's public information officer, the media has indicated that Casey was notified of her daughter's remains while in her jail cell.
Moore said that's not the way it happened.
He said Casey was in an attorney interview room in the Female Detention Center when the notification was made by a jail chaplain. She had been moved to the attorney interview room earlier and had been meeting with attorney Jose Garcia at the time of notification, which was about 1:45 p.m.
One additional attorney visit with Casey occurred Friday night.
According to Moore, Gabriel E. Adam, of the Baez Law Firm, was at the jail from about 8 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Moore said he did not anticipate additional updates over the weekend. The next update would be on Monday mid-morning, he said, unless there is a significant development -- such as additional attorney visits.
Moore also said that if Casey wanted to go to her daughter's funeral, she'll need to get a judge to sign off on it.
Friday night, people drove by the Anthony family home and some placed stuff animals in a makeshift memorial.
Support and grief from the family came from all angles.
Michelle Bart, the owner of Helping Heroes Productions, released a statement on Friday regarding the child's remains belonging to Caylee.
Bart works with the Kid Finders Network, a group who helped the Anthony's in the search for their granddaughter.
Bart's statement is as follows:
"Today's announcement that our little angel went home has been heartbreaking to say the least. Caylee Marie's soul and beauty have captured many hearts throughout the world, including mine. I came to offer some media support and I'm leaving with a new understanding of how devastating it is on these families whose loved ones go missing. I had just moved from Los Angeles to Washington when I started tuning into Nancy Grace, I have the show to thank for bringing this little girl and her family into my life. Despite the circumstances leading to her disappearance, my role was to provide support in keeping her name and picture visible so we could bring her home; I never knew this angel would spark my spirit in such a way that ultimately would impact my life forever. Today is dark, but the tools this case has given me will light a way to brighter tomorrows for all families who never give up hope no matter the obstacles they face each day while searching for their angels."
The news of the confirmation that the remains belonged to Caylee made national news on Friday.
MSNBC, CNN, Fox and the Associated Press all gave the story prominent placement.
It was also a big story on People Magazine's Web site Friday night, and it was front and center on the National Enquirer.
I pray the Judge who rules on Casey's ability to attend the funeral of our Angel, Caylee Marie, will not allow her access to anywhere near a visitation, funeral service, nor wake. In my opinion, as well as many others I have spoken to, Casey drove around with Caylee's lifeless body in the trunk of Casey's car for days. At times, partying, dancing, and sleeping with men, all the while this was going on. Then, Casey dumped Caylee's body like a bag of trash. Casey does not deserve to see the light of day ever again, much less attend little Caylee's funeral. -- my two cents
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