Now that the remains of Caylee Anthony have been found and identified, the Caylee Anthony Tipline is being replaced with the "Casey Anthony Tipline"
Todd Black, the spokesman for Casey’s attorney Jose Baez, said Monday they are setting up a Casey Anthony Information Line.
They are looking for any information about the area where the remains of Caylee Anthony were found.
They did not release the actual phone number, but stated that it’s in the works.
The defense also said they are looking into the credibility of the meter reader who found the remains and his involvement in this case.
Good luck on that, Jose.
No Funeral Arrangements Set
Meanwhile, Caylee's family said they haven't yet made specific funeral arrangements for the toddler.
However, George and Cindy Anthony said they eventually plan a private memorial, and there is a possibility there could be a public memorial at some point in the future.
George and Cindy said they won't be visiting their daughter Casey behind bars because they know whatever they say will be recorded and released to the public.
They said they won't make any public comments on the case until after Caylee is buried.
It has also been reported that Cindy and George Anthony have been seeking monetary donations to cover the expenses for little Caylee's funeral.
Casey Banned From Funeral
Casey Anthony won't be able to attend her daughter's funeral.
According to Orange County Corrections, the level of her charges and the security risks she would pose by being out in public prohibit her from leaving jail.
Todd Black, the spokesman for Casey’s attorney Jose Baez, said Monday they are setting up a Casey Anthony Information Line.
They are looking for any information about the area where the remains of Caylee Anthony were found.
They did not release the actual phone number, but stated that it’s in the works.
The defense also said they are looking into the credibility of the meter reader who found the remains and his involvement in this case.
Good luck on that, Jose.
No Funeral Arrangements Set
Meanwhile, Caylee's family said they haven't yet made specific funeral arrangements for the toddler.
However, George and Cindy Anthony said they eventually plan a private memorial, and there is a possibility there could be a public memorial at some point in the future.
George and Cindy said they won't be visiting their daughter Casey behind bars because they know whatever they say will be recorded and released to the public.
They said they won't make any public comments on the case until after Caylee is buried.
It has also been reported that Cindy and George Anthony have been seeking monetary donations to cover the expenses for little Caylee's funeral.
Casey Banned From Funeral
Casey Anthony won't be able to attend her daughter's funeral.
According to Orange County Corrections, the level of her charges and the security risks she would pose by being out in public prohibit her from leaving jail.
Awww, go ahead, let her out in public, just not to go to the funeral..
Jail policy lists several conditions that automatically make an inmate ineligible to participate in escorted or unescorted leaves into the community.
Among those are people charged with Capital crimes, or those considered a security threat.
Casey is charged with first-degree murder in Caylee's death.
I can not fathom a mother killing her own child, much less wanting to attend the funeral. Casey Anthony is the last person that needs to be at that precious baby's funeral.
Beware Of Donation Scammers
If you want to donate money to the Anthony family, beware: several thieves are looking to cash in on the family's tragedy.
Conway said people are making money off the tragedy and not using it to benefit missing children or their families. Oh, you mean like the Anthony's? Hope the prosecution has this statement in their records.
Conway said he will notify people on which organizations they should donate money to in Caylee's name.
The money in the original fund to help find Caylee Anthony is going to an organization that works to find missing children. The Anthony family has not yet chosen a specific group.
Jail policy lists several conditions that automatically make an inmate ineligible to participate in escorted or unescorted leaves into the community.
Among those are people charged with Capital crimes, or those considered a security threat.
Casey is charged with first-degree murder in Caylee's death.
I can not fathom a mother killing her own child, much less wanting to attend the funeral. Casey Anthony is the last person that needs to be at that precious baby's funeral.
Beware Of Donation Scammers
If you want to donate money to the Anthony family, beware: several thieves are looking to cash in on the family's tragedy.
Conway said people are making money off the tragedy and not using it to benefit missing children or their families. Oh, you mean like the Anthony's? Hope the prosecution has this statement in their records.
Conway said he will notify people on which organizations they should donate money to in Caylee's name.
The money in the original fund to help find Caylee Anthony is going to an organization that works to find missing children. The Anthony family has not yet chosen a specific group.
My guess is the "Casa de Anthony Group".
Visiting The Crime Scene
Curious onlookers were a constant at the crime scene after Orange County investigators left the area Saturday following more than a week digging for clues in Caylee's death.
Many visitors to the site said they could not believe the wooded area so close to the Anthony home was where she was found after being missing for six months.
"I guess I was curious to see," said Jim O'Connors, who lives near the crime scene. "As a resident of this neighborhood, I have walked past this area probably a dozen times in the last six months, and who knew that the answer was right there all along?"
Investigators went to the Anthony home to serve a search warrant just minutes after leaving the crime scene.
Investigators did not say what they found in the home, except that it was significant evidence.
Visiting The Crime Scene
Curious onlookers were a constant at the crime scene after Orange County investigators left the area Saturday following more than a week digging for clues in Caylee's death.
Many visitors to the site said they could not believe the wooded area so close to the Anthony home was where she was found after being missing for six months.
"I guess I was curious to see," said Jim O'Connors, who lives near the crime scene. "As a resident of this neighborhood, I have walked past this area probably a dozen times in the last six months, and who knew that the answer was right there all along?"
Investigators went to the Anthony home to serve a search warrant just minutes after leaving the crime scene.
Investigators did not say what they found in the home, except that it was significant evidence.
I hope whatever it is has Casey's fingerprints all over it.
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