For an emotional and thoughtful introspect on the last six months of Caylee Anthony's life, please read this beautiful posting.
For a peek, I have copied the first and last paragraphs here.
A Christmas Gift in Heaven … Caylee Anthony’s Unconditional Love.
A special Christmas wish to Caylee Anthony and all missing children during this Christmas season. In the end the little girl who had no father listed on her birth certificate; it was her Father who cared the most and her Father who brought her home for Christmas..........
......God provides us with free will and choice; however, in the end He does control all and steps in when we as humans fail miserably. Granted, we are sinner; however, in some cases some sins of man/women defy speech. Caylee Anthony was ultimately helped by those who knew her least. The Orange County Sheriffs department, the FBI, Texas Equusearch, the numerous volunteer searchers and all those nameless and faceless individuals who followed the case and prayed for her safe return. In the season of miracles, God stepped in and provided one more miracle during the Christmas season that allowed little Caylee Anthony to be found............

In reading this posting myself, I have had to step back and take another long look, as I did the first day this case made headlines.
It is hard, as a mother, to imagine that a child could succumb at the hands of their own mother. The same mother that once gave them life, for reasons yet unknown, took their life away.
I have to believe there was a time that Casey loved Caylee. There are too many pictures of happy times and smiling faces to make one wonder that Caylee was never loved. Often, I am almost envious of all the pictures that Casey had posted at one time of herself with Caylee and those pictures of just Caylee's captivating smile and big brown eyes. I do not have near that many pictures posted in my online account, although, not sharing too many pictures of my children online was a personal matter of safety.
When Jesse Grund noticed that Casey had deleted almost 200 pictures of Caylee from her MySpace page, it was rather odd. In essence, that is what Casey attempted to do with her own life. Delete the portion she did not want. Now, the sad irony is, after all these heart wrenching months, all that remains are the photos of this angelic, brown eyed girl, that America has grown to love as their own.
Caylee Marie Anthony, America's Angel. She is with her Father now.
As I look at the photos again, I can't help but think of the line from "It's A Wonderful Life": "Every time a bell rings, an angel gets it's wings"....
Keep all the missing children under your wings, Caylee. Help guide them home.

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