Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Casey Anthony Saga: PR Spokesperson "Todd Black" is 'Security Name' Used By Three People

video below

As if the case of Casey Anthony could not get any more outlandish, we have another person who is, but isn't. First we had Zenaida Gonzalez, the "supposed" nanny of Caylee Anthony. Zenaida was also known as Zanny, or Zanny the Nanny. We have since learned however, there is no "Zanny the Nanny", or at least one that can be identified as "the" Zenaida Fernandaz Gonzalez. Alas, we assume "Zanny" is a figment of Casey's imagination, or perhaps a "security name", a term we heard today linked to the Casey's defense PR.

Right smack dab in the middle of my research on the PR firm AIM, that represents Jose Baez, which just happens to be located 'oh not so far from me' in Tennessee, I find that this little production and management firm also has several names that they are "DBA". (doing business as)

Well low and behold, today, we hear that the PR firm's spokesperson, Todd Black, the same public relations representative that is behind all the bizarre media releases in the past weeks regarding Baez and his 'good character' is not a person at all. This "Todd Black" we have been hearing from, is not one, but three different people. Also, "Todd Black" is actually a security name for the threesome. Still with me?

Watch Video: Todd Black "Security Name"

Just maybe Todd Black and Zenaida Gonzalez will turn out to be the same person as well, and the entire crime can be pinned on the two of, er, them. Sounds like a plan, Baez. I also saw in the want ads, Disney is hiring for the theme park portrayal of "Goofy". Would require wearing a costume, and you don't have to speak. Better get your resume on file, Jose. Maybe you can use Casey as a reference.

To the readers, don't worry, I will publish my research post on Baez's public relations firm as soon as I put the finishing touches on it. Perhaps in time for your morning coffee, if not, at least by this time tomorrow.

Text: © '09 SpoiledMom
Video courtesy: WESH Orlando

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