Sunday, December 14, 2008

Did Anthony's Attorney Give Confimation Remains Are Caylee?

Cindy Anthony Leaves Her Home Thursday Night with Dogs and Clothing

Although law enforcement nor the media has yet to confirm the remains that were found Thursday are those of Caylee Marie Anthony, the majority of us "know in our gut" that, unfortunately, they are.

Seems like someone knows something we don't. In this article from WFTV Local 9 Orlando, the Anthony's new attorney, Brad Conway, leads us to believe that the Anthony's have already been advised that Caylee was found.

Read for yourself. I highlighted in bold the statement in reference.

From WFTV Local 9:

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- George and Cindy Anthony returned to their home to sit down with their attorney Sunday afternoon.

After spending a couple of hours with George and Cindy, attorney Brad Conway left saying he has a lot of work to do to make sure prosecutors and the public know his clients have done nothing wrong.

Conway says his clients are trying to remain optimistic, but they’re coming to terms that Caylee’s remains were found in this wooded area near their house. “They’re trying to deal with this the best way they can, they would like privacy, they would like the public to understand what they’re going through, and to be left alone.” George and Cindy Anthony spent Saturday night away from their home for the third night in row.

"They want to be left alone," said their attorney, Brad Conway. "They want to grieve and go through the process without the publicity that's been focused on them so long."

The residence on Hopespring Drive was cleared Friday morning as a crime scene and George and Cindy Anthony returned there in the afternoon for a short time after spending Thursday night at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Friday morning, investigators collected evidence from the Anthony’s home. Conway says investigated left the place in a mess, but that George and Cindy didn’t have any concerns over what was seized.

Investigators returned to the scene Sunday and spent the day sifting through buckets of dirt and leaves. They wouldn’t say if anything was found.

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