Victims' Advocates: "George and Cindy Anthony Doing More Harm Than Good "
George and Cindy were scheduled to be keynote speakers at the Melanie Ilene Rieger's Memorial Conference next month in Connecticut. Now, the Anthony's were taken off the agenda after the organizers received hate mail and threats.
VIDEO: Anthony's Removed From Agenda
Melanie Ilene Rieger was a college student who was murdered by her boyfriend in 1994. The conference is intended to help the families of murder victims.
Cindy and George Anthony face constant criticism for choosing to support Casey. After telling investigators about Casey's lies, how she stole from the family and even from Caylee's piggy bank, the Anthony's are now dodging questions about whether they fault Casey for anything at all.
The Anthony's appeared on national television for the second day in a row Thursday to talk about their daughter Casey and how they are standing behind their daughter, despite the murder charges that she killed their granddaughter, and is now facing the death penalty.
When asked if they fault Casey for anything at all, Cindy responded, "How can we? We don't know what she's been through. I don't know what that girl has been through. George and I are living the same nightmare," Cindy said.
Focusing more attention on themselves, rather than on Caylee is another issue that victims' advocates in Central Florida claim they are outraged over.
"I wrote suicide notes back in July and August. No one knows that," said Cindy.
George says he wants to be a victim's advocate, helping the families of missing or murdered loved ones in Caylee's memory.
However, some advocates are offended by his actions because someone is already under arrest for Caylee's murder. Many of those victim advocates said they don't want his help. They say the Anthony's have damaged the progress made for victims' rights and for missing person's cases.
One advocate, in particular, is Claire Fielding.
Claire Fielding's daughter, Debra, was kidnapped, raped and murdered in April of 2000in downtown Orlando. She and others believe what brought about Caylee's death is very different and that George and Cindy Anthony knew that from the beginning.
George Anthony has stated, "I want to talk to more people about that kind of stuff. You can't give up. Even though the days get very hard for you, there are people to talk to besides your own family."
George Anthony showed up in Putnam County saying he was there to help Haleigh Cummings' family, even though, just days prior, he told a judge he was too depressed to face a court hearing at that time, as well as being deposed in the civil trial pending against his daughter, Casey.
"To me, this whole thing with the Anthony's, it's like a big circus and George and Cindy are the ringmasters," said Fielding.
Fielding is working with the Bereaved Survivors of Homicide in Orange County, a well-established group that quietly helps victims' families.
"If Casey didn't do it somebody did. Why are you not out there searching for that person instead of going on national television to publicizing whatever it is you want to publicize?" added Fielding.
She says she is disgusted with the Anthonys' network TV appearances and their overtures about helping others.
I have to agree, Anthony interviews have become too nauseous for morning TV.
I feel this memorial conference-- for the Anthony's-- was another ruse to gain sympathy and perhaps acquire some much needed insight on how true victims respond to and are affected by the heinous events that have taken away their loved ones.
George nor Cindy had no right, in my opinion, to even be in attendance at this Victims' Memorial. Yes, George and Cindy lost their granddaughter in a cruel and heinous act. As far as victims, they are victims of themselves~their actions, their words, their guilt, and their daughter, whom they both choose to "stand behind", (not "beside").
As tragic as Caylee's death is, it was done at the hands of her own mother.
I cannot accept the fact that George and Cindy "standing behind" Casey is out of an enormous outpouring of love for Casey. I think of the "choke out" that occurred between Cindy and Casey on June 15th. What type of love is that? Something horrific happened that night and the end result was Caylee's death. I will continue to believe that each Anthony member has Caylee's blood on their hands.
Who in the Anthony family is standing up for Caylee? Who in that family is driven enough to search for this so called "nanny" each and every day as Cindy proclaimed in the early days of Caylee's disappearance? Not one that I have seen. Maybe an offer of first class travel and accommodations would get them out looking for "Zanny". No, I believe they each know that all they have to do is visit OCSO to see Casey, and they will be looking the "nanny" directly in the face.
I am surprised we haven't heard of a reality show in the works revolving around the lives of George and Cindy and how they are dealing with their loss. Oops, better not give anyone any ideas.....
Casey Anthony's next court appearance is on May 28, when her lawyer will try to block the release of her videotaped reaction after she learned Caylee's remains had been found.
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