By Dana Treen
The Florida Times-Union (MCT)
April 16, 2009
April 16, 2009
After waiting two months to hear from the father of still missing 5-year-old Putnam County kindergartner Haleigh Cummings, the Palatka plant where he worked has fired him for abandoning the job, the company said.
Ronald Cummings' employment was a factor in his being granted custody of his daughter and son in 2005 because he was in a better position to pay for health insurance. Following Haleigh's disappearance, the long estranged mother of the children has said she wants custody of their son, 4-year-old Ronald Cummings Jr. Why hasn't Crystal's attorney revised the petition to include Haleigh, on the small chance she is found alive?
Tony McCauley, director of human resources for PDM Bridge, said Cummings' bosses never heard from him following Haleigh's disappearance Feb. 10. McCauley said Cummings could have asked for a leave of absence.
"That never happened," he said from company headquarters in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. "Without that happening, at some point they filled his position. He was released." Cummings operated a rolling crane at the plant north of Palatka. He was not a longtime employee. "We still have a great deal of sympathy for Mr. Cummings and his family and certainly hope for the best," McCauley said.
Haleigh was reported missing just as Cummings was arriving home from work about 3 a.m. on Feb. 10 and his girlfriend said the youngster was gone. The girl has not been found despite an intense search and investigation that is still continuing.
Earlier McCauley said the company was willing to hold the job open but wouldn't discuss if it was doing anything else to assist the family. But Wednesday he said a decision had to be made that was consistent and fair regarding other employees.
This week PDM asked Putnam County deputies to monitor shift changes at the plant that employs about 120 people and manufactures structural sections for steel bridges. McCauley would not say if the company had a specific reason for the request but only that it is done in some cases. "It's just a judgment call you make from employee to employee based on what might happen," he said.
Lt. Johnny Greenwood of the Sheriff's Office said deputies were stationed at the plant during the two daily shift changes beginning Monday. They wanted to make sure there were no disruptions in case Cummings was upset. Officers did not encounter any either day, Greenwood said.
Calls to Palatka attorney Greg Kimball, who is representing Cummings, were not returned Wednesday. Since his daughter's disappearance, Cummings has had access to money donated for family expenses but which can only be released under state rules for such accounts.
Press release issued by attorney of Ronald Cummings
April 16, 2009
In response to today's story in the Florida Times-Union, Greg Kimball, the attorney representing the father of Haleigh Cummings, Ronald Cummings, issued the following press release:
April 16, 2009
This press release is in response to the Florida Times-Union article of today's date. Ronald Cummings in the last two months has had to deal not only with the disappearance of his daughter Haleigh, but also false muckraking allegations by attorney Kim Picazio, representing Crystal Sheffield, and Picazio's personal friend "Cobra."
From the time of Haleigh's disappearance, Ronald Cummings was told that his employer was holding his job open. He was told by his employer that he could start back to work on Monday, April 6, 2009. Ronald agreed to this date and was prepared to go into work when he was told on Friday, April 3, 2009 that the offer to return to work was being withdrawn for "abandoning his job."
Ronald expressed his displeasure with the company for going back on its word, but at no time threatened anyone. This office has referred Ronald to a Daytona Beach law firm that handles labor and employment law.
It should be noted that Crystal Sheffield is currently thousands of dollars in arrears for child support. She has not been gainfully employed in approximately two years. When Crystal and Ronald lived together it was mainly Ronald's grandmother that cared for their children since Crystal was usually watching TV.
This office anticipates providing Department of Children and Families (DCF) with new information on a confidential basis in the near future.
It is ironic that the last Florida Times Union article by Dana Treen on April 5, 2009 bemoaned that the squabbles and personal differences of Haleigh's parents have distracted from the search for Haleigh.
The article blamed both sides equally. The article was rebutted in a press release from this office (which is being re-printed and follows this release). Now Dana Treen wants to wade into personal matters on the side of Crystal Sheffield. Which is it, Mr. Treen? (Signed) Greg Kimball
April 6, 2009
This press release is in response to the Sunday, April 5, 2009 Florida Times Union article on the Haleigh Cummings case. The headline of the article was "Family Feud Takes Focus off Search for Haleigh."
Both Ronald Cummings, the father of Haleigh, and Crystal Sheffield, the mother of Haleigh, were blamed equally. The reporter for the Florida Times Union failed to give a proper perspective on this issue.
A few facts need to be clarified:
1. It was Crystal Sheffield who chose to launch a Department of Children and Families (DCF) investigation about Ronald Cummings, as part of preparation for a custody battle over Ronald Cummings, Jr., rather than focus on the search for Haleigh.
2. Crystal Sheffield got attorney Kim Picazio from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to represent her. Attorney Picazio has been on television at every opportunity seeking publicity for herself and about family law issues.
3. Attorney Kim Picazio has admitted on television that the so-called investigator William E. Staubs, who refers to himself as "COBRA," is a personal friend. Cobra arrived in Putnam County from Ft. Lauderdale [sic] shortly after Haleigh went missing and has been feeding information to Picazio and some media.
4. Ronald Cummings had to obtain legal counsel in self defense of the public allegations by Sheffield-Picazio, and also regarding Sheffield-Picazio allegations to DCF.
5. That Kimball & Snider, P.A. only got involved in this case on March 18, 2009, approximately five weeks after Haleigh went missing. Our initial press release (a copy of which follows) of March 19, 2009, in paragraph three (3) stated that Sheffield-Picazio allegations about family law manners were detracting from the search for Haleigh.
6. That Kimball & Snider, P.A. got involved in this case because Ronald Cummings, at the urging of a family member, called our Palatka office. Palatka is about five miles from Satsuma where Ronald resided.
7. Kimball & Snider, P.A. has responded through press releases to rebut and correct Sheffield-Picazio allegations. We have not appeared on national tv or even given any interviews to local media.
8. Kimball & Snider, P.A. has provided information on a confidential basis to DCF and Putnam County Sheriff's Office (PCSO) about this case, and will continue to act responsibly to assist DCF and PCSO.
(Signed)Greg Kimball
T. Jerry Snider
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