The latest edition of the National Enquirer, the May 4, 2009 issue, has Casey gracing the cover yet again. This time, their big lead and bombshell, "Casey had an accomplice and "he" is still on the loose."
I am wondering, how did the paparazzi know to be in Orlando at the time of Caylee's murder and the disposal of her body? Does the National Enquirer have paps hiding in the woods of every major city just waiting for a murder or other crime to occur so they can capture photos of the perp and / or an accomplice?
Also, how do they know the accomplice is a "he"?
Furthermore, why hasn't this "bombshell" revelation been brought to the attention of law enforcement? Must have been a slow news week.
Also, in the bottom inset of the cover, we see "The last photo of Caylee". Honestly, is there anyone out there that has not seen this photo?
Enquiring minds want to know.
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