April 10, 2009
Deposition of Cindy Anthony (.pdf) in the case of Zenaida Gonzalez v Casey Anthony. April 9, 2009
During the deposition Cindy Anthony also told attorneys she thinks someone else dumped Caylee's body in the woods near their home after hearing Casey Anthony during a jail visitation video saying she thought her daughter was close by.
Cindy Anthony threw a complete hissy fit in the Morgan and Morgan law offices just before she walked out following her three-hour deposition.
Brad Conway has not exactly served his clients well through the deposition. Maybe he has not been up against other really vicious attorneys in the past. He might have some style in there that I'm missing. He seems to be stunned--just sits there. How long has he been in practice?
On the other hand, John Morgan does twist his questions, wanting a yes or no answer for facts that he has injected with hyperbole. Both attorneys repeated the same questions over and over.
Both Keith Mitlik and John Morgan were being dicks in a sweet mouth, smarmy kind of way.
I can't believe Conway would allow them to testify without telling them in detail that this document is as good as being in court. And that they can ask anything. And they have to answer or face contempt of court.
That's why I can't wait for Casey's counter suit against Zenaida G. Oh, I know it will soon be withdrawn--it was just an intimidation tactic anyway--but wouldn't it be fun to see Casey up there on cross? She thinks she is so smart.
What ever has happened with Mallory? Have she and Lee Anthony parted ways? Lee said he had been living at home since January to 'pool resources' (in his testimony on Zenaida's suit). But it seems I remember Lee having given some guys name as a roommate during his interview with LE. Did they ever live together? Are they still bf/gf? What does she have to say about the cast of characters and does she have an opinion?
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