New Witness Emerges With Phone Records Request
April 11, 2009
Casey Anthony's defense attorney filed new court papers on Friday requesting additional phone records. Jose Baez has already received more than 5,000 pages of documents, but many of the phone records in those documents are not complete and Baez wants the full records.
In the motion, Baez is asking judge Stan Strickland to order 11 different cell phone companies to turn over certain records to the defense. Baez wants complete records for meter reader Roy Kronk, the man who found Caylee Anthony's remains; Jesse Grund, Anthony's ex-fiance; Tony Lazzaro, the man Anthony was dating; Richard Cain, the deputy who searched the woods where Caylee's body was later found; Anthony's friend Amy Huizinga; private investigators Dominic Casey and Jim Hoover; and the entire Anthony family. She really IS going to try to blame Amy and/or Jesse and/or Tony. Damn, girl.
Another name on the list is not as familiar. Keith Williams is one of a number of people who walked around the woods off suburban drive months before Caylee was found.
Williams used to live in the same neighborhood as the Anthony's, and when he heard of Caylee’s disappearance, he immediately thought of the woods where Casey Anthony used to hang out.
Williams went to look in the area on Aug. 5 and again on Aug. 18.
“The second time I was out there I actually found a bag of stuffed animals and that was suspicious to me because none of them were damaged,” Williams said. “There were just in a bag thrown in the back woods there.”
Richard Cain Again ...its guys like this that give the po-po a bad name.
Williams called the Orange County Sheriff’s Department thinking his finding might be significant. Richard Cain responded to the call. The sheriff’s department announced its intent to fire Cain on Friday over the way he handled tips about the wooded area called in by Roy Kronk, the man who eventually located Caylee’s remains.
“I showed him the stuffed animals and he just kind of grabbed and looked at it. He ended up throwing it back into the woods,” Williams said. That incident occurred five days after Cain responded to Kronk’s call. “You think about it and you think, ‘Why not?’ Why not put a little more effort into it?” Williams said.
Local 6 News reported that Williams could be a key witness for the defense. Williams was in the woods five times and never found Caylee’s body. “Man I was close,” Williams said. “I was so close to finding this girl. It hit me like a dagger, but then the more I thought about it then I actually went out there. I said, ‘You know, I did walk around there. I was in that area and I don’t believe I saw a bag there.’”
Williams is referencing the bag in which Caylee’s remains were later found. Williams could help Casey Anthony’s defense team argue that Caylee’s remains were not in the woods in August, and therefore, she could not have placed them there. Williams said he did not smell anything while he was looking in the woods in August.
If memory serves, the area where Caylee's remains were found were flooded from July through October, when the water started to recede. Did Williams stay in the the soggy areas or go into water up to his knees, or what? I'd like to know. That was one reason Tim Miller left, that and Cindy was a bitch.
All the prosecution has to do is take the jury out to the same woods in June or July next summer and show them what it is really like. There is no walking around, it's more of a climb over and around and below vegetation. Would not at all be like finding a child in a bag on the prairie.
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