By Amy L. Edwards
and Sarah Lundy
Orlando Sentinel Writers
April 7, 2009
...But when she heard that a child's remains had been uncovered just blocks from her home, Casey Anthony collapsed in a jail chair, her hands became sweaty, red blotches appeared on her neck and she appeared to hyperventilate...
...When the remains — later determined to be Casey Anthony's 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie — were uncovered Dec. 11, Anthony watched a local news report in the jail clinic.
She requested a sedative and asked an Orange County Corrections employee to sit with her because "she didn't want to be alone," Lt. Tammy Unser told detectives.
Casey Anthony continued to breathe rapidly, spoke fast, but didn't cry...[she] talked about football. It wasn't until Casey Anthony's defense lawyer arrived and the two met that Unser saw the inmate "break down" and cry.
Investigators also released a two-hour video of Casey Anthony at the Sheriff's Office on the October afternoon she was indicted on a first-degree murder charge. Casey Anthony chatted with investigators from the Sheriff's Office and FBI and chuckled.
Other evidence released Monday in the case:
•Three interviews between investigators and Roy Kronk, the meter reader who found Caylee's remains...told investigators about the day he met Deputy Richard Cain in August to report his earlier suspicious sighting in the woods.
When Kronk told the deputy he thought he saw a human skull, the deputy started arguing with him. Kronk said Cain took two steps into the area, got to the water's edge of the swamp, and that was about it. Kronk told sheriff's detectives Cain belittled him and basically told him he was wasting the county's money.
•Cain told investigators different versions about what happened when he checked out Kronk's tip. Sheriff's detectives wanted to know if Cain asked Kronk to show him what he spotted earlier. Cain said he didn't, and he acknowledged (admitted) that doing so would have been "reasonable."
No shit, since you are a Sheriff's deputy and there is, however vague, reason to believe there is a small child's rotting body 5 ft farther. The asshole didn't want to get his shoes wet. He was clearly negligent. This could help Baez in what I believe is his surprise theory, that because Casey lied to LE in the beginning, there is a huge police conspiracy to pin this murder on poor little Casey. Hey--it worked for OJ. Bloody glove and all.
Other developing news on the case:
Jesse and Richard Grund charge that Casey was trying to set Jesse up for this murder by requesting his help with her car so his prints would be ON the car, and intended to "plant evidence" on Jesse at his home. When she asked to take a shower there? Don't know yet.
Casey told Jesse that Lee had pressed her for sex in the past. The gossip sites have rolled this around for quite a while and link it to LE having asked Lee Anthony for his DNA, speculating that Lee could have been Casey's baby daddy. DNA tests later verified that he was not. fwiw, I don't believe this for a second. Admittedly, Lee is bizarro brother from planet pompous, but I don't see him trying to do his sister. That's me.
More later...
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